TryHackMe — Network Services

5 min readDec 8, 2020
Network services

To the uninitiated, TryHackMe is an online platform where you can learn/practice/challenge in the area of cyber-security. A full-blown intro about the same would require a separate story, so if interested do explore it out.

I am currently enrolled in the Complete Beginner learning path, and trust me it has opened the domain of cyber-security from a shady, dark movie cult to an actual branch of engineering using all the more rigorous practices as required in any other discipline of Computer Science & Engineering. This is a writeup where I will be walking through the room Network Services. I won’t be repeating the theory until and unless absolutely required as TryHackMe rooms do a pretty great job at that, so without much ado let’s start.

Task1 Get Connected

Like most of the TryHackMe rooms, it describes a brief summary of what is to be expected and what are the pre-requisites for this room. At this point, it would be a good idea to set up your VPN

Task2 Understanding SMB

The section sports a 10k ft overview of what SMB is. Now in our case, we need not be a master of SMB, but still, it is advised that you go through the inner functionality to at least understand what SMB is from a much deeper POV than presented in this room.

Q1 What Does SMB stands for?

Q2 What type of protocol is SMB?

Q3 What do clients connect to server using?

Q4 What systems does Samba runs on?

Task3 Enumerating SMB

Now, this task is where you will start getting some practical challenges. Before you venture ahead it is expected that you are familiar with nmap, as we will be using it a lot in this and the later section. Also if you are using Linux(which you definitely should) there is one more tool at your disposal i.e Enum4linux, It’s a better idea to practice the nmap room if you haven’t yet.

Before moving ahead, make sure you are connected to the VPN and you have deployed the target machine. I prefer using my own VM over the attack box provided by TryHackMe, but you can go ahead with your preferred setup.

Q1 Conduct a nmap scan of your choosing, How many ports are open?
When it comes to checking no. of ports I always prefer to start with the fastest time template. In order to solve this, I used the following

sudo nmap -v -sS -T5 MACHINE_IP

It’s lucky that the ping sweep didn’t fail else we would have had to put in the flag -Pn. Now I am using a fast time template since this is just a tutorial, but in real life, I would prefer using slower time templates for better accuracy. Also no matter what -sS is a flag you should be using most of the time since it prevents some of the IDS to block our IP via TCP Handshake information.

Q2 What ports is SMB running on?
I will be frank I was not able to understand the question properly on this one, and I thought the answer is of the following format PORT/TCP. This is my bad assumption which I was able to clarify from the try hack me discord, where a mod told me that the answer format is

there are 2 ports separated by a /

With this clarity, I went back to the output of my previous scan and found out the 2 ports

Q3 Let’s get started with Enum4Linux, conduct a full basic enumeration. For starters, what is the workgroup name?

In order to solve this, 1st you need to make sure you have Enum4Linux installed in your system, you basically need to clone the repo and make sure that you have smbclient installed on your system. Steps to install are

sudo apt install smbclient

Then run the enum4linux script


For workgroup related info check the following section
Enumerating Workgroup/Domain on MACHINE_IP

Q4 What comes up as the name of the machine?

Q5 What operating system version is running?

In order to find the above 2 information, you need to check the following section of the enum4linux output
OS information on MACHINE_IP

Q6 What share sticks out as something we might want to investigate?
So it seems that there is a share that stores the user profiles. This is something you might want to investigate cause it has the possibility of you getting access to user profiles, leading you to control the user environment on the host.

Task4 Exploiting SMB

This room is the last and final installment of using a known vulnerability with SMB and using smbclient to perform an exploit.

Q1 What would be the correct syntax to access an SMB share called “secret” as user “suit” on a machine with the IP on the default port?
smbclient // -U suit -p 139

Q2 Does the share allow anonymous access? Y/N?
In order to solve this, you just have to see if anonymous access is available in the given target machine or not.

smbclient //MACHINE_IP/profiles -U anonymous -p 139

This command though asks for a password but an empty password works and you get a shell!!

Q3 Who can we assume this profile folder belongs to?
John Cactus

Q4 What service has been configured to allow him to work from home?
Now, these two are not so straightforward, at first, we need to log in as the anonymous user and find anything that can connect back to the user. Upon logging in and performing an ls command, we see a file that strikes out namely Working From Home Information.txt, we can download this file to our local box by using

get “Working From Home Information.txt” FlaggedFile.txt

Now you can exit and do a

cat FlaggedFile.txt

And check for the required info

Q5 What directory on the share should we look in?
This is expected as all ssh keys are generally stored in the ~/.ssh directory, if we can download the private key of any user, we can essentially mimick him

Q6 Which of these keys is most useful to us?
This is a default file name given to the identity file generated by the ssh-keygen utility that ships with most of the Linux distributions.

Q7 What is the smb.txt flag?
We already have done the groundwork for getting the answer to this, since we have the user’s ssh key pair we can log in to his account and read the file to get the answer. In order to identify what is the username on the system, we can use the, the last part gives us the username required to log in, and we already have the identity file, so use the following command

ssh -i id_rsa cactus@MACHINE_IP

Now a simple cat shows us the required flag.

With this we have finished the SMB exploitation task, hope you guys find it interesting, please provide any feedback. I will be posting the rest of the tasks in their separate post.

Happy hacking!!

